My 5 Non-Negotiables for PF Health - 2 - Learn How to Poo and Pee Well!

Did you know that constipation is one of the biggest risk factors for pelvic floor dysfunction?

Most of my clients find that they have created bad habits in the way they go to the toilet either for a poo or a pee AND those who have constipation often find changing the way they sit, breathe and empty creates a better environment for being able to go and will help get rid of the constipation.

Take Action 

  • Stop the Power Pee! Your bladder has a muscle that works independently to squeeze and empty so you don’t need to push to pee, instead learn to breathe in and allow your pelvic floor to relax in order to get complete emptying with no strain.

  • Choppy Stream or Don’t Feel Fully Empty? These are signs that you could have an overactive pelvic floor and you struggle to release and relax fully when needed. Away from the toilet, learn how to use your breath in to fully relax your PF muscles and feel the difference between a release and engagement, then you can work on that when you’re on the toilet in the same way. Plus give yourself an extra count of 10 before you stand up to make sure you’re empty.

  • Put Your Feet Up! If you want to be able to go to the toilet more comfortably and easily the most simple modification is to put your feet up. In our house we use the spare @whogivesacraptp rolls to put under feet, then lean elbows on to knees and breathe in to release and let nature do it’s thing!

Conflicting values or time issues for mothers

Conflicting values or time issues for mothers

My 5 Non-Negotiables for Good Pelvic Floor Health - Diet