Why Breathing into Your Back Could be the key to your pelvic floor connection

Just One Thing: Breathe Into Your Back
This week your just one thing to change to benefit your pelvic floor is to breathe into your back.

That mid ribs area around your bra strap gets tighter from pregnancy and postnatal changes. Use your breath to help open it up so you can get connection with your pelvic floor.

Practice breathing into your back in lots of ways:
> hands and knees positions
> rounded back positions - like child’s pose/snail
> deep squat holding on to a support or on a low step
> side sitting for one sided back body breathing
> also practice when you’re sitting working, having a meal or in your car - use the chair as feedback for rib movement.

Enjoy the tension release as you breathe into your back and the greater connection you can get with your PF.


Pain is a Signpost

Pain is a Signpost

Do you have an overactive Pelvic Floor?