New Year, New You? No Thanks!

New Year, New You? No Thanks!

“You’re perfect just the way you are” as Bruno sang AND also you may want to make some changes that help you get to this time next year without feeling like you’ve “failed” or “haven’t been committed enough”. Habit change isn’t about making drastic all over changes though, it’s about small things you can do to make your life more fulfilling by taking you where you want to go.

1. Focus on 1% changes:

Small actions have massive results when accumulated, so you don't need to give up everything right this moment to do New Year properly. Take a look at those tiny habits you do daily that you could refine sustainably so that this time next year you are living in a way you feel satisfied by.

2. What Values do you identify with? How does your life now reflect those values in action?

If you identify with prioritising health, working towards a particular goal, living in a specific environment, showing up as a certain type of person then take a look at how much of your current life is in action towards those values. If you don't live in line with what you truly value there will be some pain and dischord. This would be an area to work on first -> identify and then align with those values.

3. What is likely to get in the way of you creating those small but impactful changes in habits?

That might be something you're physically not doing (your current poor habits), your environment, the people you spend the most time with that aren't helpful or 1 significant person you need to connect with who might be a sticking point (or helpful) in creating your tiny changes. 

Identifying these barriers to even small changes is crucial to making them last without there being a ton of friction which will prevent you getting where you want to go.

4. What can you let go of that's holding you back from moving towards those things you most value in life?

That might be a limiting belief that you can't/ shouldn't/don't deserve to/won't be able to do what you need to make small, effective changes. 

Focusing on what you value most gives you a bigger purpose to those small changes. 

Committing to exercising for 15 minutes on 4 mornings a week might not seem like much but when it's linked to a higher, bigger purpose that connects with your deepest desires, every choice you make becomes about more than that one thing.


  • Focus on what means most to you and what you value - are you moving towards or away from those?

  • Take radical responsibility for making those changes - connect with limiting beliefs, barriers and the prospect of the potential ups and downs AND still continue to do what matters to you.

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The power of awareness

The power of awareness