More about the Your Strong Core and Floor Workshop

More about the Your Strong Core and Floor Workshop


Here are the details you need to know:
Time: Monday 20th June at 1pm
Place: Zoom! The link will be emailed to you on the day of the event so you don’t need to scrabble around for the joining email.

You've signed up for a 1-hour Zoom date and coaching call with me! My clients see the best results when they get feedback on their form, so WE'RE GOING TO MOVE TOGETHER! It’s all about why and how you do what you do, not what you choose to do.

So wear something you can move in (it doesn’t have to be workout clothes, just something that doesn’t restrict) and plan to have the following nearby:
• A yoga block
• A chair or a bench
• A resistance band, yoga strap, towel, or sweatshirt
• Have a wall nearby

Not only will I teach you the HOW, I will explain the WHY

Here's what we will be diving into during the workshop:

  • How to connect your breath to your pelvic floor so you can make every breath and move you make into a pelvic floor exercise

  • Discover how to align your body right and feel your abs + glutes fire up as they were designed to.

  • Learn how to move confidently instead of being afraid of making anything worse

  • Get out of rehab land - just doing kegels and low impact exercise - and get back to moving the way you love.

  • Keep your body moving in a way that allows it to feel balanced + strong instead of achy and broken.

I’m REALLY EXCITED to move with you and answer all of your questions. See you soon!

Kathryn x

Berry and Hemp Muffins

Berry and Hemp Muffins

Your Strong Core and Floor Workshop

Your Strong Core and Floor Workshop